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In Person Heart-Led community Breathwork

  • Rooted Heart Yoga and Wellness 1409 Ogden Street Denver, CO, 80218 United States (map)

We are inviting you to join us in our next monthly Heart-Led Community Breathwork and this time it will be at Rooted Heart Yoga and Wellness on Sunday, February 9, 2025 from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM MST. 

*Please note, all funds that are paid are nonrefundable.

Click here to join (***please look at the contraindication link here to make sure you are not on the contraindication list) message if you are before signing up.

What you will need to bring: 

-Open mind


-Yoga Mat

-Eye Mask



-Journal/pen (optional)

The power of breath is a vastly untapped resource yet available to us all. This conscious breathwork combines music, guidance and support to alter your brainwave state resulting in a space to escape the mental chatter, deepen into the body and calm the nervous system. This breathwork regulates your nervous system, alkalizes the blood and oxygenates the body to re-train you to breathe fully!! It also gets you into a creative space to explore your inner landscape to get incredible clarity.

Some fun facts: We typically only use 33% of our lungs capacity and I can’t wait for you to feel how powerful it is when you are led to breathe in a diaphragmatic breathwork.


Benefit of this type of breathwork:

Better sleep

Alkalizes the blood

Improves lung Capacity

Increases energy

Reduces stress

Retrains you to breathe deeper and breathe through your nose

Will help you to breathe more deeply and so if you have been stressed or holding your breath, this workshop is for you and will help you to calm your nervous system.

90 % of people breathe incorrectly and this can cause anxiety. Learning to breathe properly will help you to calm your nervous system and we all can use methods to bring us back to a calm state. 50% of Americans are mouth breathers which can cause longterm harmful side effects. Learn how good it can feel to calm your nervous system while being guidied to do this type if breathwork.


with warmth,

Ashlene; Founder of Heart-Led Prana LLC

January 19

In Person Heart-Led community Breathwork

February 16

Heart Led Online Breathwork